Life Groups: Real life...real people...together
We believe there is a need for both large and small group gatherings for Christians to experience growth and fullness in the new life Jesus provides. We call our small groups "Life Groups" because that is where real, sustained transformation occurs as we share our struggles and joys in the context of grace and truth. The listing below changes regularly with new groups and opportunities, so check back often.
Sundays, 9:30 am
Bible Learning
For: Toddler, Pre-K, Kindergarten
Location: Upper Level Classroom
Contact: Steve & Kim Hlad (785-658-5227)
Sundays, 9:30 am
Bible Learning
For: Grades 1 - 2
Location: Upper Level Classroom
Contact: Jesse & Natasha Mudd
Sundays, 9:30 am
Bible Study
For: Grades 3 - 4
Location: Upper Level Classroom
Contact: Gwen Batchman (785-526-7224)
Sundays, 9:30 am
Bible Study
For: Grades 5 - 6
Location: Upper Level Classroom
Contact: Ellen Meyer (785-534-9832)
Sundays, 9:30 am
Bible Study
For: Grades 7 - 12
Location: Upper Level Youth Room
Contact: Josh Persson (501-243-8257)
Sundays, 9:30 am
"Questions & Conversation"
For: adult men and women
Location: Family Life Center Gym
Contact: Cliff Heagy (785-534-0770)
Sundays, 9:30 am (starting September 8)
Bible Study: "Your Divine Design"
For: adult men and women
Location: Church Library
Contact: Rachel Ducote ((785-346-8048)
Sundays, 9:30 am (starting September 8)
Bible Study: "12 Ordinary Men"
For: adult men
Location: Downstairs South Classroom
Contact: Kent Miller (785-534-2633) and Terry Jennings (785-534-2584)
Sundays, 9:30 am (starting September 22)
"Bible Study: Genesis"
For: adult men and women
Location: Family Life Center Gym
Contact: Bill Angell (785-412-0328)
Sundays, 9:30 am (starting ???)
Bible Study: "Messy Grace"
For: adult men and women
Location: Family Life Center South Classroom
Contact: Amber Mihm (785-452-0411)
Sundays, 9:30 am (starting ???)
Marriage and Family Group
For: adult women
Location: Family Life Center North Classroom
Contact: Aaron (785-738-0057) and Joni Adams (785-738-4161)
Tuesdays, 6:00 am
"Moms in Prayer"
For: adult women
Location: Church Library
Contact: Carla Donker (785-738-3393); Linda Mealiff (785-738-8043)
Tuesdays, 6:30 am
Bible Study
For: adult men and women
Location: Family Life Center South Classroom
Contact: Bill Angell (785-412-0328) or Tim Mehl (785-738-7954)
Wednesdays, 7:00 am
"Moms in Prayer"
For: adult women
Location: Church Library
Contact: Renee Mason (785-569-1503)
Thursdays, 6:30 pm
Support Group: "Celebrate Recovery"
For: adult men and women who struggle with hurts, hang-ups, or addictive habits
Location: Family Life Center Gym
Contact: Tiffany Bockover (785-534-3386 or
Thursdays, 7:00 pm
Young Adult Fellowship & Bible Study
For: young adult men and women (18-45, single or married)
Location: 418 W. Main Street, Beloit, KS
Contact: Isaac Carman (785-470-1078), Shonsee Carman (620-765-2266), Eric Allen (785-534-9696); Text one of the contacts and we'll invite you to the What's App group chat
Fridays, 6:30 am
Bible Study
For: adult men
Location: Church Library
Contact: Dave Cordel (785-545-7137)